Vienna’s Abraham Adegeye has made a name for himself in the European influencer scene in the last 5 years. The transition from passion to profession came natural.
Abrahamdailydosis, real name Abraham Adegeye, is 24 years old and lives in Vienna, Austria. He is, in what has become a popular modern term, an ‘’influencer’’, with his particular area of influence being fashion.
From a young age, Abraham liked to try out different outfits and take photos of them. He would then share these images and at first, it was part of an occupation that he enjoyed. But he ended up being able to take the hobby to the next level by producing a professional standard of quality. And these talents have led him to some interesting career paths.
Even if you do not know Abraham by name, you may be familiar and even seen, projects connected to his work. For example, he recently featured in a big Sprite campaign that was shown on TV, tackling the subject of diversity and cyberbullying. He has also worked with other big brands where he has been an ambassador such as Gant, Pacsun, Converse, Vans and Coca-Cola to name just some.
For his future, Abraham would love to do more work with high-end designer brands and high fashion. He likes the idea of working with stylists and concentrating a little more on modelling as well. His future in fashion looks good, and he has already been booked for more campaigns. The great thing is that he genuinely seems to enjoy what he does.

So, Abraham wants to further immerse himself in the modelling world. He likes the idea of making some kind of impact on TV but would prefer a commercial, which makes sense given his brand, and he also makes clear that any productions he was to star in would be near to be quality ones. Which is fair enough, integrity is a good thing as is protecting your brand and your status as a fashion influencer.
Of course, Abraham is not the only one doing this, he is not without competition. There are a lot of people doing similar things, but as he puts himself, this just makes it even more important to be unique. He feels that nowadays, where there is a much bigger industry regarding his niche, and a lot more money behind it, people are not as welcoming of each other’s success then they were when things were on a smaller scale.
But Abraham is keen to highlight that his main focus has always been to inspire people rather than sell them anything. So far he seems to be doing a good job on both fronts.